Friday, November 2, 2012

The New Oreo Commercials

Both commercials are advertising the Oreo cookies, which is one of the most popular brands of snacks in the U.S.  Since Oreo has always been praised by kids, these two commercials are specifically aimed at the adult consumers.  The company has wisely associated the cookies with happiness and satisfaction.  The two commercials both began with a serious and depressing mood, and when the children came in with the Oreo cookies, the mood suddenly became joyful and relaxing. Through the change in mood of the commercials, the company is sending a message to the adult consumers that all their anxiety and stress can be relieved with an Oreo cookie. Moreover, the company is relating the cookies to childhood, by show casting children in the videos to carry out the cookies and teach the adults how to “eat” an Oreo cookie. With that relation, the company is telling the adult consumers that eating the cookies will enable them to “travel back” to the simple and joyful childhood.    

1 comment:

  1. I like the kids, the music, and the adult's reaction. Too bad an Oreo contains so much fat and sugar-it might as well be a candy bar. Gee, I wish I could just enjoy the moment and not think about how awful the cookie is!
