Saturday, November 10, 2012

Reversed this time--Burger King's Pizza

It's really interesting if you compare this with the first blog I posted here, which talks about Pizza Hut's new product--cheese burger.
This time, the reversed is happening. I'm sure Burger King has found out that its fast food competitor has covered burgers, which are supposed to be found only at places like Burger King. So they came up with this Pizza Burger to show consumers that they have innovated and you can order pizza at Burger King as well. But really, is this pizza burger any different than the burgers they had? Besides the change in the shape of the breads, it seems to me there's nothing new in it. As the ad says, "made for sharing", I doubt it's better for people to share the exactly same food than to share different ones. However, as big chain fast food restaurants like Burger King, Pizza Hut, or Mc Donald's, they always attract consumers that are willing to try their latest things to make themselves look avant grade. To me, it seems people are more likely to try new things with a group, and this can be a chance for the Pizza Burger, designed for many people to share. It should be welcomed at some parties.

1 comment:

  1. But I was found here. And that is lucky enough !
