Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Green Movement

Although consumers feel good about themselves when they purchase eco-friendly products, they have actually not done anything beneficial for the environment by buying those so-called green products. As the article “Buying Into the Green Movement” in the New York Times points out, “Critics question the notion that we can avert global warming by buying so-called earth-friendly products, from clothing and cars to homes and vacations, when the cumulative effect of our consumption remains enormous and hazardous.” Buying those green products does not help protect our environment, since those products will eventually become trash that we throw away. The green movement in the market is just another way for the marketers to attract and convince the consumers to make a purchase. Because of the green movement, companies can now charge the same product more, as long as they put the eco-friendly label on the product. The green movement is ironically not benefiting the environment, but instead profiting the manufacturers.    

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