Monday, October 15, 2012

Time to Split

"An election year would seem an auspicious time to launch an ad campaign pitting right against left in a petty war whose origins are obscure and whose resolution seems all but impossible. We're speaking, of course, of the new Twix campaign from BBDO. "

Whenever I try to watch a movie or drama, I always see this Twix ad. This ad is about two inventors at Twix constantly fight over and eventually separate from each other and create two different factories, each producing their (different) own bars.  I think this ad is really funny, interesting. I think the ad producer was smart to make this ad at this time of moment because it can be easily compared to the official Obama-Romney tie as well as its own competition against other snack factories.

I also attached the Twix ad video down.
Twix ad


  1. I agree, the commercial is really charming. It reminds my of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/Willie Wonka which was a great book and fun movie.

  2. I've seen lots of ad campaigns this year centered around the idea of elections or competitions. It seems like advertisers will use any event/holiday to advertise their product.
