Friday, September 28, 2012

Advertising in Schools

         From school buses to school lockers it seems like no blank canvas remains unpainted with the ads of major corporate sponsors.  When I first heard of this type of advertising by large corporations I was appalled. How could students be forced to learn in an environment where education was not the sole purpose? Then I began to think about the constitutionality of it.  After all, attending school is mandatory, so should public schools be allowed to force students to look at advertisements all day when those same students are already forced to attend school?   Being no master at the US Constitution I could find no clear answer, however I also began to think about the little ways in which schools, even my own high school, had included advertisements in the school day.  
        At first I thought "Thank God, my old high school didn't have ads like the ones above plastered all over the place".  Then I realized that it kind of did.  The score board in the gymnasium bears a small Dasani Water Logo in the corner and the folders and book covers distributed for "free" at the beginning of each school year were always plaster with ads for local businesses.  These small types of ads had never bothered me, yet these large locker and bus ads absolutely horrified me.  This bears the question: how far is too far to take advertising in schools?

1 comment:

  1. Advertisements are everywhere.
    The interesting thing's there's actually no such ads or posters at my Chinese high school.
