Monday, October 1, 2012

While we all love to focus on how commercials exploit women and focus on their bodies, many commercials exploit men in the same way. In the beginning of the commercial, the man is chubbier, unhappy, and hanging out with an old man and a fat man in a locker room. But once he becomes skinny, he rides a motorcycle, is happier, and has a hot girl behind him. This Old Spice commercial makes the point that if this man were to be skinnier and more toned, that his life would be better.

Just the smell of Old Spice turns this man into a more toned man. Other Old Spice commercials use the same tactics--a well toned man with money shooting out of his pockets next to a well toned woman. The commercial is using Old Spice to sell you into a lifestyle. They are trying to make the association that if you use this product, you will become hotter and therefore cooler. Perhaps once companies stop using weight as a factor in "coolness," eating disorders could have a chance in decreasing within our population.

1 comment:

  1. The great part, it that commercials are not ONLY targeting women. I tend to forget about that.
