Monday, October 29, 2012

So Real it's Scary

High Definition has become the ultimate thing for televisions, no television on the market today is with out the that device which makes our televisions crisp clear. Technology has advanced so much that now people can no longer tell the difference between what is actually real and something that is being televised. This commercial for LG proves how crisp clear their televisions are by playing a prank on people riding an elevator more than a couple of stories high. Technology has advanced to such a degree that now we can no longer tell when we are seeing an illusion and reality. Marketers want this to happen because the illusion that is created brings in more clientele who are also curious to see if the technology really is all that the commercials make it to seem. I personally think that if I had been in the same situation as these people, I too would have been scared. Not only of the illusion but also the idea that we have come this far. In the last couple of years our technological advancements have surpassed those of previous generations, thus creating a bigger market. It seems that now nothing can stop us from going beyond the television screen, per say, and doing something even greater. Now, it would seem that not even the sky is the limit.

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