Monday, December 10, 2012

The Power of Ads

It's interesting how ads evolved throughout the passage of time. Ads were first used for the consumers to identify the source but changed over time to be something much greater. From blogging, I realized how ads play a significant role - oftentimes reflecting societal values and views.

Before I decided to take this class, I always thought that I had a lot of power as a consumer. I mostly ignored ads, and so, I thought that I was the one making the rules.  But I realized that the power of ads wasn't always determined by its power of forcing people what to buy. Instead, the power of ads lies in its role of creating and/or enforcing societal values.

Every day, people see thousands of ads. With so many images, people can be influenced by the picture and the depiction of an ad. For instance, when teenage girls see many fashion models - thin and tall - in a fashion magazine, they may see them as the symbol of female beauty. Also, when people see images of cute, friendly mascots, they might associate the brand with inviting emotions. Overall, ads have significant power in determining societal norms and emotions.

Out of the blog posts, my favorite post would have to be one featuring the Nintendo 3DS. As an avid gamer, I realized how much the company tried to appeal to a broad audience by using famous celebrities. But by doing so, Nintendo alienated its true supporters. I personally don't watch television, but by participating in this blog post project, I realized how companies use questionable tactics in order to make more profits. As a whole, this blog project made me more aware of my role in the consumer culture.

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