Sunday, December 9, 2012

Disney Princess Secret Diary

This is a well organized commercial that shows all of the product's advantages clearly. The images catch our eyes, and the music and narrator catch our ears. And that's why commercials with background music often leave stronger impressions on audiences.
The nicely dressed girls also help: when little girls see this commercial with the pretty girls in it, they will automatically relate this product to beauty and fashion as well even though the product has nothing to do with beauty or fashion.
We can see from the commercial that this product is targeted at girls between 5 and 8. And here the problem comes: The product is supposed to help keep secrets, but what secrets do 5 year olds have? This product should be more useful to teenage girls, however, they are not what the commercial is targeted on. Teenage girls are too old for disney princesses.
That's why people say some advertisers always make the products' themes way inappropriate for their age use.

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