Monday, December 3, 2012

Quiz Time!

Test your knowledge of some well-known brand logos here!
How well do you know the logo’s on this quiz? Do you recognize each one instantly or does it take a while? Maybe you don’t recognize any of them at all. Whatever the case may be, logos are something many young American’s can recognize before they even are able to speak. 
I personally was only able to 14 out of the 36 logos on this quiz, however I was able to recognize many of these logos, I just could not come up with the name.  I know that many of these logos are very visible and I was actually surprised that I was unable to get more of them.  I remember trying to finish this quiz with friends in my high school library senior year and we were able to get nearly all of them. 
Why were some of the logos harder for me? Perhaps they were not logo’s I come into contact with frequently.  For example the “Shell Logo” (Yellow seashell).  I knew that this was a gas station, but I could not put a name to the picture, possibly because I usually get gas from the Cumberland Farm’s at the end of my street. 
Some of the other logos that I could not get were the car logos and some of the large corporations whose services that I do not frequently utilize (Prudential, Boeing). 
I wish there was a statistics bar at the bottom of the page that showed the logos were the most often guessed correctly or something that showed the age (demographic info)  of the people taking the quiz.  It would be interesting the analyze these factors and see how these affected which logos were most well-known. 

If you take the quiz post your results/thoughts in the comment section! 

Blog post for December 10th. 

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