Monday, November 12, 2012


Pandora is an online radio station that allows its listeners to create their own radio stations and listen to music, essentially for free. About every twenty minutes the music pauses and there is a twenty-second advertisement. The ads are usually related to the music station that is playing. For example, when I was listening to my Taylor Swift radio station one of the ads that came on was advertising her new perfume.  The way in which the website incorporates the known enjoyed music of its listeners into the ads is very clever. It does not simply turn into one of those ads that I just tune out or mute the sound until the music comes on. Actually, I have just recently added Taylor Swift's new perfume to my Christmas List to Santa :)

1 comment:

  1. You're right Allie. And Taylor Swift is doing a fabulous job promoting herself and her new album--I see her everywhere! She is not only talented but very, very clever.
