Sunday, September 30, 2012

 Corn Syrup vs. Sugar

When we consumers buy groceries at a conventional grocery store, we are offered products that more and more contain corn syrup. It has been long observed that the average American has an insatiable sweet tooth and manufacturers have been adding sweetness to our food to satisfy our taste buds for a long time. Even foods that aren’t considered sweet, like spaghetti sauce, often contain corn syrup. Since our waistlines are ever-expanding, many researchers have started blaming one of the cheapest sweeteners added to processed foods-High Fructose Corn Syrup. Of course, it’s hard to know if HFCS is really the bad guy that some researchers have claimed. At one point the corn syrup manufactures in this county launched an advertising campaign to counter all the negative results being released-even airing television commercials defending their product. Also, there is a group attempting to re-name the product CORN SUGAR to make it seem more like good old-fashioned sugar. Of course, it’s hard to know if the real culprit is really HFCS. Would our nation be slimmer if we were eating food made only with granular white sugar, instead? I’m not sure who has the right answer, but after seeing the Saturday Night Live commercial parody above, I, at least started reading more labels and have made a conscious effort to avoid buying any product that contains added nutritive sweeteners of any kind. 

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