According to the advertisement above, spending
hundreds of dollars for your new iPhone is not enough to make you stylish. Unless
your phone is clad in a case that matches your clothes, your outfit is
incomplete. At least that’s what Fergie implies in this Case Mate commercial,
where she coordinates each one of her different outfits with a unique case for
her phone.
I saw this commercial on TV a few days ago,
and I was really amazed by the techniques that advertising experts use to make
consumers buy not just what they don’t have, but more of what they already
have. First, consumers feel the need to buy a cell phone because everybody
around them has one. Then, advertisements of phone accessories promote the idea
that phones are quite plain and exposed, and therefore must be decorated and
protected by a case. After we have bought a phone and decorated it, one would
think that there is nothing more left to buy. This particular commercial, however,
makes consumers feel that even if they already own one case, they need to
obtain more so that they can match them with their clothes, even though having
multiple phone cases is in my opinion wasteful and unnecessary. The message
becomes stronger both by linking the product with a celebrity and by presenting
phones as accessories while totally undermining their role as a tool for
Oh my. I guess if you're constantly talking and texting your phone is always on display, so that's why it needs to match your outfit!